Two women were attacked, beaten and robbed while hiking in the Groenkloof nature reserve on Saturday morning. The women said two men jumped out of the bushes as they were walking along a trail in the reserve.
One of the women who has martial arts training, advised the other not to show fear and to simply greet the men as their intentions were not immediately clear. They noticed something was wrong when one of the men took off his shirt and tucked it into his pants.The two men then grabbed rocks and ran towards them. One of the women was over the head with the stone.
Then, instinctively, the other women attacked the man rushing towards her. The two scuffled before the other man pulled her into the bushes. The other man then grabbed a cloth sack she was carrying around her waist, which contained a phone and others items. The attackers also grabbed a phone, and the two disappeared into the bushes.
This is the latest in a string of attacks at nature reserves in Pretoria over the past year. In May 2015, an elderly couple was tied up, beaten and robbed in Groenkloof nature reserve. On Thursday 21 May, a father and son cycling at the Voortrekker Monument were attacked and robbed by two men who pelted them with large rocks.
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