Elardus Park Water Project
General Notice #6
The water mains replacement project is nearing completion. Most of the pipes have been installed and only a few short sections remain. House pipes are being put in place pending pressure testing of the system prior to the connection to the existing water mains scheduled for finalisation before the end of October. Major arteries will have to be installed in the coming days and Alandale Street will be excavated at junctions with Aberdeen, Dakota and Buccaneer Streets. Frelon Street will also be excavated near the junction with Alandale Street.
Excavation, refilling and compacting is planned to take place between 08:00 and 17:00 but these times may vary due to circumstances. The use of earth moving equipment will, however, have a disruptive effect on road traffic at the junctions and “Stop & Go” arrangements will be in place. Road users are urgently requested to abide by the advice given by marshals for their own safety and, where possible, to use alternate routes through the suburb to avoid traffic congestion. Please allow extra time for any planned journey along this route. The contractor regrets the necessary inconvenience but assures the residents that the improved water supply will be to their eventual advantage.
Les Weyer 072 027 1179
Community Liaison Official
14 Oct 2015
Elarduspark Waterprojek
Algemene Kennisgewing #6
Die waterpyp vervangingsprojek nader voltooiing. Die groter meerderheid pype is al in plek en slegs ‘n paar kort seksies bly oor. Pype na huise word in plek gesit ter voorbereiding vir druktoetse van die stesel voor aansluiting by die hoof water toevoer wat beplan word voor einde Oktober. Hoof are sal in die komende dae in plek gesit moet word en Alandalestraat sal by aansluitings met Aberdeen-, Dakota- en Buccaneerstrate oopgegrawe word. Frelonstraat sal naby die aansluiting met Alandalestraat ook oopgegrawe word.
Uitgrawing, opvulling en kompaktering word vir tussen 08:00 en 17:00 beplan maar hierdie tye mag wissel afhangend van omstandighede. Padverkeer by bogemelde aansluitings sal deur grondverskuiwingstoerusting ontwrig word en ‘n “Stop & Gaan” stelsel sal in plek wees. Padverbruikers word dringend versoek om vir hul eie veiligheid die advies van beamptes wat verkeer reël te eerbiedig en ook, waar moontlik, alternatiewe roetes te gebruik om verkeersdruk te verlig. Laat asseblief ekstra tyd vir die gebruik van hierdie roete. Die kontrakteur betreur die nodige ontwrigting maar verseker inwoners dat die verbeterde watertoevoer uiteindelik tot hul voordeel sal strek.
Les Weyer 072 027 1179
14 Okt 2015